Our company was set up by partners with long-standing experiences in the areas of infrastructure, industry plant construction as well as energy and environmental engineering as a planning community in the year 2000. Since the year 2006 we have been working as GmbH operatively. With a staff of approx. 20 employees, we successfully contribute the expertise acquired in plant construction to the planning and construction of individual trades as well as to the implementation of large-scale environmental projects as general planners.
INPUT Ingenieure is planningly working in all performance phases of the HOAI. We undertake the following tasks for our clients:
- Development of solid and profitable overall concepts with mature technical standards
- Engineering both as general planner for "turn key" concepts and for individual lots
- Manufacturer-independent selection of suitable technology for long-term profitable plants
- Professional technical management of complex process plants
- Development and implementation of innovative technologies
- Consulting, project studies and expert opinions
- Project management and project control
- Project development
- Support in contract and financing issues
Henning Franke
✆ ++495138 70 13 - 13
Authorized representative::
Sebastian Boettcher
✆ ++495138 70 13 - 21